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Join Beauteshine, Subscribe - or both?

Beauteshine by Beautederm

A visitor to our website recently asked if they should become a member of our website or subscribe - and we realised that we should explain how you can best access BEAUTèDERM information online.

Beauteshine publishes monthly newsletters to keep you up to date with promos (Product Sales), product updates, new releases, usage tips and events. These emails only go to our subscribers.

Our Beauteshine Members collect BEAUTèDERM Rewards points that can be converted into discounts and also can earn benefits from time to time during the year. When you're a Beauteshine Member your experience at the checkout is faster and a little easier, but most people are going to join for the discounts generated via our BEAUTèDERM Rewards. :-)

It's FREE to be either a Subscriber or a Beauteshine Member - or both!

How to subscribe:

Subscribing is simple!!!

Go to the bottom of any page on our website and you will see a space where you can enter your email address and click SUBSCRIBE.

You can see below the two different interfaces on a desktop (or Laptop) and what it looks like on a mobile phone.

How to sign up as a Member of our Website:

To signup as a member just click the little person (or Login) option at the top right of our website. We've marked the area with a GREEN arrow in Step 1 of the diagram below. Once you've clicked on Login you can choose to signup with your Facebook or Google credentials, or use your email account to verify your membership. (Tip: Facebook or Google logins are very easy to complete).

After choosing your preferred sign up option simply complete the instructions to finalise your setup.

So do we suggest you Subscribe or join our website as a Member? Well, actually both!

Being a member earns you discounts and Subscribing to our newsletters will give you regular notifications of new Promos or product sales, and provide you with all of the up to date product info.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact us via chat (Facebook or Website Chat). While we're providing the website to give you a better service we are always here to chat live and in person - because we love to help!

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